Getting a glow/finally

Rather than getting a glow of late, I feel like I have let go and just look like a mess. The annoying thing is I didn’t want to let it go in the first place. It has been for reasons beyond my control.

Photo by Ali Pazani on

Having hit rock bottom with social anxiety a few weeks ago, things have turned a little corner, a little bit.

Maybe it is early days, but I have started to feel less dryness on my forehead. A beautician once commented I had a nice forehead and should look after it. I did until COVID-19 and the products stopped being frequently available.

During COVID-19 my body dysmorphia has got worse. In counselling, I was told I wasn’t a model type, but I wasn’t as bad as I thought I was, now I feel worse than what I felt before my body dysmorphia analysis.

A few products turned up the other day, to my amazement and joy, and I’m remembering my forehead is supposed to be nice, even though COVID-19 fashion would have us believe otherwise for some reason?

If you’re not a model type like me, we have to try and make the best of our good points, so people confusing the issue with weird clothes and hairstyles doesn’t really help.

Will do another Saphire’s hairdressing salon, with the hope that if I have got some products ~ you will be able to also. I don’t do this to show off, I’m just doing it to give hope and have been told anything I advertise is available for anyone who wants it. In fact, I often advertise products I don’t purchase myself that suit other women’s seasonal colours. I discovered in teaching, I’m a people person, so I actually like people and enjoy other women’s looks and how they style themselves and what they choose fashion and makeup-wise.

How I’m starting to get a glow

Really wanted to get Glow since I heard about it, but struggled to get the products.

If you want to try any of these products I think you should be able to get them now.

Where it started was finding Quick fit and realising I hadn’t been drinking enough water.

I’m still not, but I drink a lot more now than I did.

Drink a pint or more of Evian when I exercise and San Pelligrino with dinner and to accompany wine. You will find it easier to drink still mineral water when exercising and sparkling mineral water is a good substitute for fizzy drinks at Dinner.

Another way I’m drinking more water is with herbal tea.

I finally managed to get glow tea from Twinnings and drink it with dinner after exercising.

I first tried for these on a Sunday shop in February.

I never used to like fruit herbal tea bags ~ if I don’t like something I just leave it. But the glow tea bags are gorgeous. Got through loads and should probably order more before I run out.

If you can’t acquire a taste for green tea but want the benefits, these teabags are a really clever idea.

Is green tea good for skin?

Green tea contains vitamin E that is known for its ability to nourish and hydrate the skin. It not only moisturises the skin, but also brightens and repairs it. This ingredient helps to reverse sun damage and fades dark spots, pimple spots, and other skin irritations caused by environmental aggressors.

7 Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea For Skin – Garnier

This is another journey I started Garnier face masks, will let you know how I do, found these masks before. Click the link above if you want to check them out.

My forehead has been really dry of late with ridiculous amounts of blemishes or a rash?

Not sure if it is the teabags or the glow combination, but I’m finally getting a clear forehead and it feels more glowy in the morning without product, which is probably what we are aiming for, but then to add more glow with product on a good foundation.

Superblends Glow 20 Tea Bags

Maybe it is the Biotin also


  • Superblends – Glow, A Strawberry and Cucumber Flavoured Herbal Infusion with Green Tea, Aloe Vera and added Biotin.
  • Carefully crafted by the Twinings Master Blenders, SUPERBLENDS are a simple everyday helping hand to keep you feeling great.

When your skin and hair glows, you radiate confidence and feel great. This is the inspiration behind this carefully crafted Glow blend. This blend is a delicious mix of refreshing Green tea, Aloe Vera and Cucumber flavouring. A touch of gorgeously sweet, strawberry flavouring ensures this is the tastiest part of your beauty regime.

What does it taste like? This delicious green tea is sweet, refreshing and easy to drink at any time of the day. How do I drink it? Simply use freshly boiled water and infuse the bag for at least 3 minutes. Give the teabag a few little stirs and a gentle squeeze to release the flavour before removing it from the cup.


How do I drink it? Simply use freshly boiled water and infuse the bag for at least 3 minutes. Give the teabag a few little stirs and a gentle squeeze to release the flavour before removing it from the cup.

My hair has been looking better also, have been using supplements but again it could be this combination.

I still do my basic facial, but with old products I still had.

Just found Lizzy’s spa routine in this blog, you can start that again properly too now the post is sorted.

I was getting somewhere with the next product, but the post stopped, now it seems to have started again am getting results again with this.

Dr OrganicCalendula Moisturiser 50ml



  • Fragrance free
  • Dermatologically-tested
  • 24 Hour hydration support for dry and sensitive skin

We’ve combined the soothing and gentle properties of calendula with Aloe vera, echinacea and calming ginger extract in this intensive moisturiser.

Fragrance-free and dermatologically-tested, this nourishing emollient provides up to 24-hour moisturisation for naturally soft, hydrated and replenished skin.


Apply liberally, as and when required.

My skin is starting to feel better after getting this product again.

Hopefully Dr Organic is back to stay.

What does calendula do to skin?

The Benefits Of Using Calendula For Your Skin - Kiehl's

Calendula’s skin-soothing benefits can likely be attributed to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to limit trans-epidermal water loss, which in turn strengthens the skin’s defenses against potential irritants. It has been shown to reduce both the visible symptoms and feel of skin irritation and discomfort.

The Benefits Of Using Calendula For Your Skin – Kiehl’s

This explains the glow effect.

Quite a beautiful flower.

Might take my calendula journey further with Kiehls.

This product might appeal to you if you want glow but have sensitive or combination skin. You want glow on dry areas, but not on oily areas. My forehead is dry, but my nose is oily.

Will let you know how I get on with Calendula, hope this inspires you.

Collagen tablets

Have struggled with collagen, but am trying them again in a collagen combination supplement.

Jointace Collagen 30 Tablets


What is it?

Jointace Collagen provides a high-grade collagen which is hydrolysed to improve absorption. Collagen is a structural protein found in several connective tissues in the body including bones, cartilage, gums, skin, tendons, and blood vessels. Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of bones and cartilage.

Copper contributes to the maintenance of normal connective tissues and therefore can be beneficial to cartilage (as cartilage is made up of connective tissues). Vitamin D3, zinc and manganese all help to maintain normal bone. Vitamin D3 is provided in its Cholecalciferol form as naturally produced by the body on exposure to sunlight.

  • Ideal for those with an active lifestyle
  • Provides high grade collagen which is hydrolysed to improve absorption
  • Includes other essential vitamins and minerals; Vitamin D, Glucosamine and Chondroitin


Two tablets per day to be taken with your main meal. Swallow with a full glass of water or a cold drink and not tea or coffee as this may cause the tablets to disintegrate too early.

Bought these really, because I have upped my exercise levels, but wondering if the collagen is adding to my skin looking better?

Improvements noticed!

“I’m in my late thirties and have been trying these for the past month as a preventative measure as all of my family have early onset osteoarthritis. There has definitely been a difference. My joints are a lot looser and any pains that were there have disappeared. Plus my skin has become so much clearer. I have already recommended them to my elderly parents and siblings and they have all said they have noticed an improvement. It’s a thumbs up from me!”

customer review

The above review has answered my question.

Another contributor to my new glow.

I used to take these as I felt they suited my lifestyle. You may just want pure collagen, but these work for skin as well as joints.

Will review them and let you know how I do.

Well worth trying collagen again now the post is working again.


This is a really easy way to get glow.

My body is craving all these products so can only guess they are all contributing.

At the end of the day, we have to find the product that works for us personally.

If you’re contemplating glow, but have given up trying, like I did, I recommend you try for glow again now.

Go for your old favourites or try some of these, but definitely hydrate yourself.

You will feel so much better when you start glowing.

It feels like the dry, blemishy COVID look peels off to reveal a healthy glowing complexion.

Hope this inspires you to try again both for glow and product!!!!

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