Building a home gym routine with not much guidance in post covid 19 world/getting results

I said from day one on the slimming calendar I go for simple exercise routines I can maintain, rather than trying too hard and not being able to stick to them.

Maybe I’m being a bit lazy and I should push myself more, but every time I do it goes wrong or I get worried I may not be able to maintain it.

I’m sticking with my belief anyway.

Miraculously slimming calendar has managed to get advanced exercise routines out to people somehow, which is fantastic as I’m just a lazy amateur lol!!!

If you like my more laid-back approach to exercise I’m getting results, so I can prove this concept works.

I used to cheat in poseur gyms and get results, even surviving them.

Building a home gym that works from my slimming calendar choices

If you want more advanced videos they are on collage video, so this is a personal preference and from your own needs and experience.

Just subscribe to collage video and all levels turn up

If you want a simple routine that isn’t too hard, I am finally getting somewhere.

Strength Training

I remembered the other day you do this 3 times a week with a day off in between

The Zsa Zsa Gabor routine is very similar to what you used to get in gyms in Britain. You do get equipment and do a longer routine, but this is the closest workout I have ever found to Ladies’ strength training in British gyms.

As I hadn’t exercised for so long, I found it hard to get it back into my routine, but this past month I have finally done it.

I really recommend getting hand weights from Argos, if you keep trying this you will get it into your life.

Furthermore Zsa Zsa is being honest about it keeping you young ~ it helps with your posture which quick fit explains in more detail.

The one thing I add to the routine at the moment is chest press.

The bench press requires you to use your core muscles to stabilise your body. This means that this exercise will help strengthen the muscles around your spine. Since these muscles are so important for supporting good posture, improving their strength can help prevent back pain.

This info is really hard to find as it is mainly aimed at muscle men at the moment?

What I do is imagine I’m on the chest press machine at the gym, but do the exercise manually with light hand weights. It feels good when you access your back muscles and will hopefully correct mine and your posture after post-Covid 19 restricting fashion.

As I can’t find anything on the internet I have found a book for you, if you want to extend the Zsa Zsa Gabor routine and learn more.

I do and I like working out at home.

I quite like being in control of what I’m doing so this is a great next step forward.

A woman’s guide to strength training offers helpful instruction in how to get in shape and beat the aging process with a sensible, effective program for home or gym that can be modified according to age and skill level. Original.

Once you get your strength training routine in place the rest is plain sailing.

I do strength Monday, Wednesday and Friday making sure I have rest days in between.

Then cardio 3 to 4 to 5 days a week on the days I feel most active.

You can do cardio after strength or on alternate days.

It is really easy to achieve and not hard at all like some of the stuff on Google at the moment.

Can you get results if you don’t do extreme workouts?

You can, but it may be a bit slower.

When I did the hill walk I dropped weight fast, but I couldn’t maintain that level yet. I hope to get up to that level again but until then I’m happy with my slow weight loss program.

I’m 2 llbs away from 8 stone 6 and when I get there I’ve done it.

This may take another two months or so, but I’m just glad it is working if I’m honest.

This is my before photo at Ten Stone. At the moment people would argue I looked better here, which I think I might. But my back was hunching really badly. I’m not one to go on about myself as I find it embarrassing and I’m a private person, but I have slight curvature of the spine, so the more I can stop myself hunching the better. Quick Fit educates us that everyone starts hunching as we get older, so I’m equally worried about that.

Even if you just do its simple darling routine combined with quick fit, it is perfect for staying youthful for the rest of your life.

I once got complimented on my posture, even though my spine curves, so this is my new goal along with a 2-pound weight loss goal.

I’m far from perfect, but I was standing straighter here. This was after another illness so it wasn’t from when I was at the gym and got complimented. This result was from the home gym a few years back. I was on my own then, so maybe I’ll do better this time. If I can do it, you can ~ especially if you have a perfect spine!!!!

My goal weight is 8 stone, but I used to have a range between 8 stone and 8 stone 6. If I got to 8 stone 6 again, I worked harder again and dieted to get my weight back down.

You aren’t meant to be on a diet all the time, but it is called vanity weight slimming, it also keeps your health in check as you get older.

So glad this knowledge is out there.

Exercise is not just about weight when you start studying it.

Quick Fit has quite a lot of useful information about exercising for health and to stay young.

Really glad I can share what I am discovering with you.

All humans start aging from the day we are born, so this is vital information for all of us.

Women have a lot more problems to deal with than men, so it is especially vital we know all this knowledge so we can make informed choices about our health and well-being and not just jump on the new ‘in thing’ bandwagon that might not be right for our individual needs.


Hope you are getting your exercise style together and are reaching your goals.

Hope you are feeling better about yourself, can fit into your old clothes, or at least see the light and the way forward.

If you are new to this or not getting results I think you will enjoy June and definitely start getting results.

The thing that pushed me forward was finally getting my strength training back 3 times a week.

If you used to do more, it is worth going back to basics with zsa zsa and just getting the repetition back at first, then the memories come back and you do get results.

You remember the repetitions also, so you can do your strength offline like in the gym.

Considering purchasing a strength training book is a good idea as it will teach you proper form.

Will leave it here for now and look forward to learning more from the book.

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