How social media anxiety has pushed me into doing what I set out to do in the first place/fashion blogging

Ironically, following fashion bloggers on Instagram that don’t sell you the products they are selling has forced me into working full time at fashion blogging.

Photo by George Milton on

If you get social media anxiety, the cure is to move away from the stress and stop looking at it.

I’m all right with YouTube, email and Pinterest, so I focus on them now.

Photo by Plann on

Instead of watching people waggle products that no one sends out and people going on about politics to get a reaction. I just work really hard on The Fashion and Slimming calendars.

Photo by Alexandra Maria on

It is turning into pure hard work, but I have my downtime at weekends, (which I also put together myself).

I was brought up to work hard, so feels natural to me.

Photo by Andrew Neel on

It is also a way to come down after a high-energy workout on The slimming calendar.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Hope what I’m doing is creating a stress-free safe haven for people like me.

Photo by cottonbro studio on

As I’m artistic I always fit in with fellow arty people. We tend to be sensitive and suffer depression and so forth. Not sure why this is, but maybe it is why I’m finding solace in fashion.

Exercise is one of the solutions to this melancholic state of mind, so the two calendars are balancing out well.

Apparently, the products on the fashion calendar will be sent out to us, so remaining hopeful.

Photo by Sora Shimazaki on

At least I’m finding knowledge for when shopping comes back properly.

I learned so much I didn’t know before.

I think fashion is really hard to learn, so post-blandness is a good time to learn.


There are good people out there still and always will be.

Thankyou so much to everyone who has been helping me!!!

If we feel frightened or upset about something we should call out as good people are out there for us.

I felt a bit selfish admitting I had social media anxiety, but it helped me get better and I’m back doing my bit again.

Keep strong and we will get to where we are going in the end!!!!

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