Slimming calendar review

Last summer I had a really bad accident and canceled the slimming calendar myself, worrying my amateur attempts to help other women wanting to slim during COVID-19 which blocked gyms with social distancing rules, might end up hurting someone else by mistake.

I’d started slimming myself a little before this with the Dors diet and Pauline Baldwin exercise routine.

I was doing really well until I was forced to do online ballroom dancing.

Photo by Gaby Lopez on

The end result was a really painful injury.

I got back on the horse, so to speak with quick fit and have proceeded to do really well by just using videos that are professionally made to exercise at home with.

Collage videos now upload frequently and I have confidently recommended them on the slimming calendar, with the knowledge that they are safe to use at home.

Results to date with the slimming calendar/it works

It has been the steepest learning curve ever, but I had a really nice surprise tonight. All my old saggy clothes were in the wash, so I reached for what was in the wardrobe.

Last year after my accident, I couldn’t get into trousers, so I tried a few dresses. The first thing I tried was a fairly short croched skirt from H and M in small, I couldn’t even get it on it was so tight. Tonight I got it on and it fits.

Photo by Sam Lion on

There are a few bumps sticking out that need toning, but at least I feel like I am getting somewhere.

I put a jumper over it and I could possibly get away with wearing it to go out in summer. It is long enough to cover my cellulite, which still needs loads of work, if you can ever get rid of it? hopefully.


The crew neck jumper, (which is tighter than this, but couldn’t find an image), fits more comfortably now also. was still a bit annoying, but trying a project out for you for September so some of your Covid clothes may even end up being useful for you. Really hoping I get results as you will enjoy this discovery too if they work.

Just getting the skirt on has given me hope.

Everything I have done to get this far is in the slimming calendar, and I know it works by my trial and error.

I tend to stick with routines I know I can stick to, so it may take longer but I know I’ll stick to it and get results that stay.

Hope you are getting results also ~ you may be ahead of me, so collage video is putting out videos at different fitness levels.

If you are where I was a few years ago, just stick with the slimming calendar as it does start to change, even if you struggle during the process, (I’m always struggling).

I’ve still got a long way to go, so will be doing the slimming calendar up until January.

Then will see if it works as an online calendar, which I will be using myself.

The problem is the day off will change every year maybe?

Hopefully, we will reach our goal weights by then.

The little successes on the way will hopefully keep us going.


If at first, you don’t succeed ~ try try again.

Once you succeed you need to maintain, so the slimming calendar will hopefully work as a weight maintenance tool also.

Every year someone releases a new form of exercise or spa product, so keeping on top of everything new in the fitness world, may lead to the answer for your problem area, mine is loose skin, cellulite, and the fact my measurements don’t fit clothes sizes, (not sure what you do about that one yet?).

Hopefully me sharing how I’m doing will help you. I’m just a really average woman trying to get into my best shape for me. I’m also not an athlete, so it is taking a while.

Hope you are enjoying The slimming calendar and have found your Eureka moment!!!

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