social media anxiety

Discovered I have these symptoms. When I come off Instagram I mainly feel down and like I have something wrong with me as I never get any of the products I order and pay for myself, but other women on Instagram do.

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Then they waggle it in your face because they have it and you can’t have it.

Photo by Lisa Fotios on

When looking at online dress shops I just feel disappointed as I don’t like any of it anymore. I would have to alter all of it and no one posts any of it out anyway.

Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava on

I started doing 70’s parties as escapism from vintage, which are really popular, and modern perfume, but have been cohered into doing vintage parties that aren’t popular and I don’t like the films now as I wouldn’t want to wear the clothes in them ~ it is like putting a man’s shirt on ~ they are gigantic on me as I’m 5 ft 4.

I was asked to include other people’s vintage blogs. When I have been watching them it is not so much they love vintage, but they have been cohered into doing it and are not enjoying it either. I pointed out that eras such as WW2 are just too hard to do as parties. The 50’s is just depressing. I think it is disgusting how these people were treated if I’m honest and the people of 2024 are being treated on a par or in some cases possibly even worse. Really worried about children, pregnant women, and the elderly of 2024 trying to cope without nutrients in food. Feel really sorry for my ancestors who had to go through WW2 and the 50’s. It has got where I can’t sleep for worry. How someone somewhere is doing this to us is disgusting. This planet is for all the humans on it, not just them. (I was told to be careful yesterday for reporting info about other people complaining. I didn’t destroy a political membership card so I didn’t make the news. Put it this way a large group of people cheered it. I don’t vote and don’t want to because someone takes care of that side of things for me now ~ I find it really boring if I’m honest).

I now get up every day feeling depressed and under pressure to put films on every day.

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When I adlibbed parties it was a bit of fun, now it is grueling work and not very enjoyable; I don’t have time to enjoy the parties myself; I just feel like a slave churning out vintage social media that no one is interested in.

Photo by Jill Wellington on

I’ve noticed other bloggers prefer the 70’s also.

Users of social media may experience a physiological stress response as a result of receiving negative feedback from others, cyberbullying, becoming more aware of stressful events occurring in the lives of others, and feeling pressure to keep social networks updated,updated%20%5B15%2C16%5D.

I’ve been cyberbullied, by women who were into vintage 50’s ~ know what it was they were wearing now. We won the case, but she is still out there destroying everything in sight including journalists’ careers.

This time it is feeling pressure to keep social networks updated.

Also, Instagram has started doing threads and sponsored news like Twitter. If they don’t want our opinions why don’t they just leave fashion and so forth on Instagram instead of irritating people? Every time this happens everyone leaves, but then the Twitter platform stalks that peaceful escapist place.

Photo by Yan Krukau on

Last time the advice was to come off social media.

Online blogging rewards

I don’t get paid or any rewards so there is no buzz from doing it. If I even got some of the stuff I promote it might even change the depression to an uplifting one.

I think you can’t give people hope if you have no hope left yourself.

As a TV series runs out I have overwhelming pressure to find another one, then do a pin for it.

As I’m only one person I think it is too much work.

I’m having a few days off, then seeing how I feel.

Hopefully, when I come back I could try and bring back the fun atmosphere it had when I started doing it.

All I wanted to do was get social media like everyone else has. I actually started doing it when it was hard and took courses in it. Now I’m behind other people and not doing what I want to do.

I just wanted to fashion blog; shop fashion, buy fashion then blog it

I suppose fashion might of gone forever.

Photo by Ellie Burgin on

With this in mind, I’m trying to remember needlework from school. My clothes aren’t going to last much longer, so I’m not sure what the average build woman is going to actually wear.

It is really frightening that someone is behind this.

Fortunately, no one is buying their hideous oversized ballgown or whatever they are? so hopefully they will go away soon.

We got told they already had gone away, which was hopeful at first, but why is it all still there if they have gone away?

We used to go for a meal for our end-of-month treat.

I thought I’d only be doing parties for a month or two not as long as this.

Also, I just want fitness experts to come back with their massive team of production.

I’d rather just follow them like I used to.

I’ve got stuck with doing too much for one person.

We’ve already made our money, what I really want to do is just go and enjoy it, not work all the hours gods sends promoting hideous dresses that have broken the high street.

If restaurants had to run as businesses they would want clientele, not just weirdos who probably wouldn’t have gone to restaurants before as they seem unsociable.

unless I go add free I can’t take any more of the adverts on youtube that block the videos and playlists.


It is not me letting anyone down. I’m one of the people who have been let down by whoever ruined the high street and society so maybe they should be giving out hope not me.

I’ve finished the 50’s party the best I can. Luckily I have been able to delete ideas like WW2, Medieval, and 30’s parties as they are just too hard.

What I originally hated might be an acceptable trade-off in the vintage society. It is often the way with creating style and fashion.

Hope this idea takes off, then ‘everyone’ could be happy in fashion and chefs could come up with wonderful modern food and furthermore we could all enjoy and eat it.

Really miss going to restaurants.

Might be stating the obvious, but if you want our votes, shouldn’t you give us what we want?

Why a horrible bitch is still out there upsetting people when she lost her court case severely, I don’t know.

Maybe the journalists should sue her for cyberbullying. She has the biggest mouth on her ever.

Finally I have decided to finish the calendars and keep going with the weekend tv as there is nothing for me if I stop.

The other annoying aspect is my lifetime goal is just to watch tv now and again.

Know I now it isn’t just me having a bad time, you realise something needs to change rapidly.

Hope you are keeping well.

Focussing on ways to get nutrition from what is out there and will load onto slimming calendar.

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