Not only am I not a barbie girl, I’m now not a sindy girl either/the true worth of plastic

Years ago I was trying to make friends with some American women when it sort of went wrong.

I made fun of myself because one of them looked like Barbie, (and was putting down women who weren’t as tall as her), so I said I looked like Sindy as she has a fat face.

Since then everything in the doll world has gone weird and I’m worried it might be my fault.

It can’t be really, but I guess humans have a habit of blaming themselves.

I was being playful, but it went wrong somehow.

If I’m honest I don’t want to do the second childhood thing, I thought about it but it didn’t do anything for me.

My childhood was quite good, except for not getting Girls World, but getting a bike instead. I was really grateful about it but secretly I was mortified. I still hate bikes to this day.

Looking back I hate what Sindy stood for anyway. She was obviously spoilt, upperclass with horse. I hate horse riding also, I think horses shouldn’t have to be saddled. Now we have cars, people don’t need horses for transport. I once tried horseriding and I got told I was a natural. My cousin bullied me for it later as she couldn’t do it. I didn’t like it anyway. It was a bit too countryfied for me and too back to nature in horrible clothes. We had a doll that looked like my crappy cousin and made that into a bloke and dressed it in Sindys gym khanna look or whatever it is called.

Photo by Jean van der Meulen on

It is a shame Sindy has been ruined as all the people who do do second childhoods can’t now.

Ban Plastic Brigade

Soon there won’t even be plastic dolls, so the battle of the plastic dolls won’t be there anyway.

People will have to have shitty rag dolls then that have really round faces.

Photo by David Lu00f3pez on

In fact I got told I looked like a rag doll once as they are slim build with a round face.

My face isn’t round, but it is obviously not perfect.

I can straighten it out, but I have to do exercises I can’t do on my own

I don’t agree with banning plastic as it is a lie and just a marketing tool.

Maybe if it is my fault for Sindy, I might meet in the middle with this one.

Plastic prevents poverty

It means poorer people can afford things. If everything is handmade it is out of price range for people with small budgets.

Rag dolls are O.K., but they don’t do much

Factory Sealed

Collectors need their products factory sealed in plastic so their product retains value.

Photo by Lopsan on

I just like plastic

The civil revolution created equality and ended servants and slaves.

I can’t find this history anywhere but I read about it at university.

If people can’t purchase affordable plastic homewares, where is this leading?

I can afford artisan prices, but I don’t like it.

Ikea is a bit plastic, but I liked Ikea.

One day I hoped to purchase Laura Ashley and so forth, but this has gone. She had a factory, so wonder if she was classed as plastic as opposed to handmade Artisan?

I think there is enough room in this world for everyone to do and have their own thing. At the moment it is going a bit greedy with some people hogging everything for themselves while others go without and are hungry.

If Barbie is the face of it, she is gonna disappear under her own sustainable morals if she isn’t careful. Either that or she’ll end up an overpriced sustainable artisan toy that no one can afford and if they could they wouldn’t want it anyway.


This blog is rubbish, but so is sustainability.

At the end of the day, dolls are for children.

Not sure what the first doll in history was or why children have dolls, maybe the answer to dolls having bitch fests lies here.

Suppose children can be really nasty when you watch programs like Kizzy.

I don’t know the answer to this, but apparently Barbie is quite boring.

This is my answer from Sunday after I had thought about it.

I don’t really look at dolls much, but it is nice to remember once in a while. Guess someone is hellbent on destroying these types of innocent memories for some reason?

Hopefully, someone with a bit of sense will step in on all this mess and sort it out. Personally my priorities at the moment are food and clothes that fit properly. We are really hungry and I’m coming up with daft ideas of how to mend my pre covid clothes, when I have money to buy both food and new clothes.

Maybe children are going hungry too and that is their priority over dolls.

The other night one of my old friends destroyed their plastic government membership card. To stay how staunch they used to be ~ these are really weird crazy times.

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