Sunday Shop/sunday day out

Last night felt like a drink, so did perfume junky as I wanted to get up for my walk on Sunday and I’m counting the calories in my drinks.

Did the perfume sale at Debenhams ~ good time to purchase your favourite make of perfume.

These are the ones I’ve been trying to purchase for ages, a few old favorites and some new ones to try.

My old favorites are Armani Code and Bronze Goddess.

After shopping for this my alcohol craving went.

Sunday Day out

Back to walking.

After last week’s spontaneous jog, I went back to walking but walked a lot further than I would of done jogging.

I wasn’t bothered either way about it and they used to tell you walking was better than jogging as you are more likely to stick to walking.

Was in a funny mood today, think it is because none of my products have turned up and I feel rubbish.

Grammarly must be American as it keeps correcting British grammar that is correct so most of my blogs have got worse grammar than they would of had if I’d just corrected it myself.

Exercise theory

Before this new theory that everyone should jog, we found out that walking further was actually better than jogging.

I think as long as you keep going with your exercise, even on off days ~ that is better than giving up because you can’t face jogging in the sun in winter clothes and winter hat and warm ankle highs because you’ve run out of socks.

Looking Around and noticing everyone else in old clothes looking fed up

No one looked happy today. Maybe they felt like putting something summery on but had to put their old winter clothes on instead.

Maybe the moon is in one of those cycles that puts everyone in a bad mood.

Walking versus Jogging

Personally, I prefer walking, think what you do is walk further than you would jog so it means calculating the fact you jog more miles quicker than if you were walking. This was why we got into aerobic dancing at the gym as well as jogging. I like jogging inside but walking outside.

I wouldn’t versus walking with jogging as it is too restricting and boring. I think it is better to mix it all up so you don’t get bored.

We did jogging some days and dancing others. But always did strength 3 times a week. Then power walked outside with a pedometer.

Then stuck to one program for a month and changed it the following month with a new program.

Hope this makes sense to you as well.

Think I had a bad exercise day, but at least I did something I suppose.

Just found out it ‘is’ a bad moon day

Hopefully, Sunday Dinner, a few drinks, and weekend TV might cheer it up a bit.

Sunday Nature Table

Dandelion clock



Quite like these photos


Suppose some days are just days from hell that get stamped with the grumpy face emoji or whatever they are called?

On the whole, most days are happy.

I think nature is natures way of balancing out the moon when it gives off bad vibes.

Next weekend is the Victorian party so I hope the moon is in a cheerful cycle. Found loads of things I really like and hope you like them all too. It has made me feel creative so hope some of it rubs off on you too and gives inspiration to your creative projects.

There are loads of food ideas so hope you get a good feed from it too.

Really looking forward to the films and music also.

Will post it on Friday as usual if you fancy a browse.

Enjoy your weekend!!!

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