Sunday Shop/One cheat day a week in slimming calendar

Whilst researching knowledge for The Slimming Calendar on Pinterest, I discovered you can have one cheat day a week.

Used to do this when I was a member of a slimming club online.

Most of the food was so good you didn’t need to cheat, but I did like my government allowance of alcohol once a week or spread out over the week.

The problem with this idea was the cheat days could get out of hand according to the fitness expert I was following during covid.

The problem I have from not drinking anything and not eating any food due to post-COVID food supplies in the supermarkets is I’m not only bored but plateauing as my body has gone into famine mode. This is like when a hamster stores food to live off.

After my day off last week at the 60’s party, I lost weight, probably as my body wasn’t preparing for famine anymore.

Decided to try the cheat day once a week again.

Awareness of cheat days spreading out too much

I’m going to try this idea to see if it works.

My weakness is alcohol, but I can’t do heavy drinking so not worried about that.

Having a bit of fun lets off steam and tension so is good for us as long as we control the measures.

Found a few tips last year in the slimming calendar ~ so hopefully I will be more in control this time.

If not I have a method for detoxing that works for lightweight drinkers like me.

If you’re a recovering alcoholic these ideas are obviously of no use to you, but as my weakness is alcohol I do understand your problem a little bit.

If this doesn’t work will maybe just go back to one cheat day a month.

Trial and error

All I can do is try it out and see.


Slimming is really hard at the moment when the advice is so hard to find. Hopefully by my trials and errors, but also trials and successes I will be able to get back to it being easy and not a boring chore.

If you can’t have fun while slimming it is almost not worth bothering as it impinges on life in general too much.

I’m pretty sure I could never be perfect anyway, but I enjoy exercise and prefer healthy food. I’m not sure not drinking is the answer to getting rid of apple shape. A plastic surgeon wouldn’t do liposuction on me as he said I was too thin and needed a hot meal. My problem is possibly not apple shape, he said it was loose skin. Being boring and not eating or drinking probably won’t change that anyway. If people would stop going on about being perfect maybe we could all be accepted in society again without having to try so hard.

Hope this works as it is the answer to what I was looking for.

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