Sunday Shop/shopping in your own wardrobe/realising you may have transition size clothes/Alcohol Haul

The other day I realised that I might have new clothes that fit in my wardrobe as I have lost a few pounds.

It has been so long think I wasn’t really with it.

Lo and behold two storage boxes sorted through and I have 3 brand new pairs of Eden jeggings in regulated size 10 regular. Bought these when the petite waist trainers came out in unregulated sizes. I was putting weight on then. As my goal size is regulated size 8 might as well wear them as I don’t want to be size 10. You might find you stockpiled clothes also. As I hate shopping for jeans, (unless they are eden jeggings that you don’t even have to try on), no point struggling to buy anymore until I get down to size 8.

Also got a pair already worn a few times so might as well wear them first.

Also found another cami for exercising in.

This got me thinking if I might have something to wear for next years 60’s party.

I couldn’t do a 60’s model look, but I couldn’t have done in the 60’s either, Twiggy was size 6 and I think 5 ft 6, but not sure as the internet guidelines aren’t always accurate. I don’t go down to size 6 in regulated sizing, unless I went under the BMI index. Twiggy shouldn’t have been a six really as she is taller than me, she should weigh more than me to be healthy. It was because she grew up on rationing during WW2. When we get to World War 2 maybe this will make sense.

I could copy the concept though and do what an average-sized woman would have worn back then, also with the designer twist of bringing it up to date so you don’t look like you’re going to a fancy dress party as someone from the sixties.

I will probably look rubbish, but it might do me good.

Thought to do it next year, dress up, take some photos then go to the party.

Join in if you like the idea.

You could just wear a black dress and black heels, lots of black eyeliner, pink or beige lipstick and no one would know what you were doing.

It might buck us all up a bit.

In my storage I also found a 60’s shift dress with jewelled neckline. My goal now is to slim down and fit back into it for next years 60’s party in slimming calendar.

Have more storage to search but it is surprising how you can do different eras with hardly any costume and so forth if your not that keen on fancy dress.

What might happen is just a different way to style an old dress you never thought of doing before.

Quite excited as I’m doing my therapy project by shopping my own wardrobe.

Got tons of stuff size 8, but also a fair amount of size 10.

Really hope we slim down to our ideal weights, hope this inspires you to have some fun and dress up.

The more I try the further I get ~ hope you are getting further with your slimming and confidence too.

Next months Party is Victorian. Found a black Victorian choker, would photograph it if I had a camera. Have a black lace dress in size 10, so another goal to aim for. The thing to do with The Victorian look is Victorian inspired as oppose to literal Victorian. You can do fancy dress if you want, I prefer up to date ideas though. Got some fashion ideas, not sure if I have anything in my wardrobe though in size 10, except the choker.

Alcohol Haul for the 60’s drinks cabinet

We did quite well as Sainsbury’s has started stocking more alcohol.

Had a day off walking as it is Easter and a day off slimming as it is the end of the month.

Having a wonderful Lazy time watching 60’s films and really looking forward to my British fish and chip supper with Mateus wine.

Hope you got a good food and drink haul and are having a great Easter.


Happy Easter!!!!

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