De-clutter~ making space for new clutter and 70’s end of detox party

What I discovered in my stash/disco clothes for the 70's party!!!

Was inspired by WordPress to do a declutter. It has led me to find one of my old favourite shops and a red fur coat I never wore – now I find Frieda out of Abba had one which has changed my mind about the coat I wasn’t sure about. This then leads to the 70’s detox party I am hosting through Pinterest and Tumbler. I’m obviously not talented but a few people found them through covid and it helped us cope with covid boredom. Think proper entertainment is coming back soon, but will set this up anyway.

This compact was really useful when we got illegally evicted due to a bad experience on Twitter.

It says it may get restocked so would definitely buy more of these.

Bronzer is one of my favorite products and this is a bronzer compact that makes you look sunkissed. Didn’t cost much either.

SUNkissed Cosmetics Radiance Compact – Bronzing Powder + Eye Shadows + 4 Lipstick glosses + 1 mini blusher brush + 1 eye/lip applicator by SUNkissed.

Found their online site, they have changed their design

wow just found this for £7.99

and this one

Sunkissed Naturally Bronzed Beauty Box

Won’t hustle it but will put the link to Sunkissed if you fancy a browse


I like their makeup it makes you look bronzed and it doesn’t cost much.

Fur coat salvage

Red Fur coat which is like Freidas out of Abba

Wasn’t sure about this when I bought it, someone in the changing room sold it to me because she said I suited it. Now I have found Freida wearing one completely changed my mind about it,

Decided to keep it, smells a bit as it was in storage, think that can be solved maybe. It is size 8 so will have to slim down a bit after the end of the detox party to get in it.

If you are new to the Saphire lifestyle, last year we worked out a really simple formula for slimming, you don’t even need to exercise. Would recommend walking one day a week like Zsa Zsa Gabor recommends if nothing else.

We will be doing this after the end of the detox party. Hopefully, get into some of the old clothes I found during my WordPress de-clutter.

Maybe you have found some old party clothes too or ones you want to slim back into. The bitches lying on the internet about weight loss are on some sort of vengeful mission. Just ignore them.

You are welcome to try this out.

The Christina Aguilera/Beyonce diet also works for us as it is the only way we have been able to get beef during covid.

It is also not as boring as some diets and you can still have a bit of fun.

Did anyone try, ‘the eating just the burger and not the bun diet’?

Extreme, but that was when I realized how good Mcdonalds is lol!!!

The red Frieda coat

Frieda has sold this coat to me. Need the glasses and 70’s necklace. Like how she has burgundy plum nails and clear lipgloss.

She balances out the red in the coat with neutral colour clothes. This solves what I wasn’t sure about.

Can’t fit it at this party as I’m size 10 – hopefully will get back down sometime in the future.

Have a bit of time to shop the look.

This leads to the 70’s end-of-dry January party.

Chose 70’s as food hasn’t come back yet, but the 70’s stuff is still there. Just get your food and alcohol, then check out the listings on Pinterest and Tumblr. Hopefully, Tumbler will work this time as it goes straight through to YouTube. You can list the whole evening for easy access. Had to do it individually at Christmas through Pinterest. Hopefully, next Christmas will be done mainstream again, you can only hope.

Suzi Wong/Sumuru top

It is a Chinese style top for westerners, it is in size ten so must have bought it when I started putting weight on, now I’m losing weight again and have gone down to size ten so it might fit for the 70’s party.

need a skirt to match it.

One day I will hopefully have a camera again and I can photograph it for you and put it on WordPress and Pinterest. It was quite unique as it was a sale item in New Look. They never did the Suzy Wong look again. It suited me better than Jane Norman as it is black. Could use this as inspiration to get some designs made up.

Found some truffle red heel shoes in a box,, wrapped in plastic, and never worn. They have really high heels lol!!!

This song sold me red shoes, love Dolly Parton

Found some more red Truffle shoes, these should be allright. Shoes seem to be the same it is just clothes that don’t fit anymore.

The link above leads to them, just thought they were fun if anyone else wanted some too.

Love red shoes because of Dolly Parton, I Love Truffle shoes, these are very like Versace.

These will match the red coat, for a night out with a little red or black dress, if they ever come back. At the moment they are too big as they are for pear-shaped ballerinas with overdeveloped thighs and a size A bust like Audrey Hepburn. 

Can’t believe how much film fashion is helping me. Opting for fashion I would never have chosen before.

De-cluttering is fun.

Finding all my old shops.

Feeling like I have a sales addiction but just want to share what I find.

If you like any of the products I find feel free to get them.

It is so hard at the moment to purchase anything.

All the film fashion is staying on Pinterest this time and will leave the links for you. (have a habit of deleting my social media, but aren’t allowed to this time)

I just believe whatever grouse you have with someone has nothing to do with fashion or a woman wanting to stay young and glamorous forever.

You can have a bitchfest dressed glamorously, take Dynasty for instance.

The bitches behind covid fashion have gone too far in my opinion.


Have written a blog on what a 70’s party is if you want to join in, just get your food and alcohol and sit back and enjoy the entertainment.

This year is hopefully the year fashion and entertainment will come back!!!


De-cluttering helped me find a bit of the old me. I’m not as healthy or slim as I was because of internet bullying and COVID. I truly hope anything I do helps anyone reading this find their old self too. 

From Dry January I realise I don’t suit alcohol.

Was told this by a fitness expert and couldn’t handle it as I wasn’t ready to hear it. 

We are doing the end-of-dry January party then I will have to decide what I am doing.

Not against alcohol as some people don’t put weight on from it. It is also how we were brought up as my Auntie and Uncle were heavy drinkers. Runs a bit deep. I only do the government guidelines when I drink anyway. Used to drink heavy as a teenager, but that isn’t dangerous. Have a book about this somewhere, so have got my drinking downloads already. If I ever unpack that book again will write the alcohol section up for reference.

I will eat my cake and hopefully go to a restaurant once a month.

Hope dry January has helped you too!!!

Looking forward to it ending.

If entertainment still hasn’t come back by the end of January you are welcome to join the 70’s party.

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