Film unhealthy stereotype/Audrey Hepburn/i put her statistics into the bmi, here are the results

Fed up with being told I’m fat because I am athletic build without a tiny waist, started to research where this blatant lie is coming from.

I haven’t a small waist or a perfect body, (according to Victoria’s Secret no one has), but I am a healthy weight according to the BMI index.

In the fashion industry, Armani is against anorexia due to a model dying from it.

Don’t know the history of the body mass index but it is all I have ever known about diet and health.

last year I found the body mass index checker at the NHS – here is the link if you want to try it, (it is really easy and fast to use).

Never heard of this small waist thing until COVID-19 fashion.

It is really dangerous and wrong advice.

If you have a naturally small waist fine, but you shouldn’t go on a diet to get a small waist if you are a healthy weight but athletic build.

Fed up with the Audrey look that I don’t even like. 

decided to put her vital statistics into the NHS health checker





Audrey Hepburn measurements are above.  34″ Bust with size A cup, 20″ waist, and 34″ hips.  A perfect hourglass. Her 20 inch waist was quite usual among other actresses during her time in show biz. There are even some other waists measuring even tinier, for example, Brigitte Bardot‘s 19 inch. I have also learned that a young Elizabeth Taylor once had an 18 inch waistline.  Audrey Hepburn receives a lot of bad attention for making the thin, skinny bodies on women popular.  However, when she was starring in lead roles, she was not the body type desired and the skinny look was definitely not popular.


10 1/2

Audrey hated how big her feet were.  They were quite large for her size.


103 lbs (47 kg)

In her career, Audrey Hepburn has kept her weight under 110 lbs.  This does not count during her pregnancies.  She had suffered from severe malnutrition during the Nazi invasion of her homeland.  This has made it difficult for her to gain weight.  Scientists have hypothesized that Audrey Hepburn’s genes had made an epigenetic shift and that studying her genes could be the key to solving the obesity problem in America .

I gathered some information on what her diet was and what she ate from this book that Audrey’s son, Luca wrote.


5′ 7″ (1.70 m)

You might be wanting to know how tall Audrey Hepburn is? Audrey Hepburn measurements in height is 5’7″. Audrey wanted to become a prima ballerina growing up; however, this would be hard to achieve due to her tall height.  Her teacher, Marie Rambert, absolutely loved her and told her that she was extremely talented and one of her best students, however, many male dancers during that era were not as tall as Audrey and it would be hard for her to achieve prima ballerina status.  Her teacher told her it may benefit her better if she was the second dancer.



During Audrey’s time in show business, her body type and chest size were not the desired type.  The body types that were desired at the time were more voluptuous types like Marilyn Monroe.  An A cup size for Audrey Hepburn measurements in bra size is expected since she does not possess a large chest.

The link above leads to the full article.

This is the result of Audrey Hepburn’s weight check on the BMI index

Sad to see her weight problem was due to Hitler, but she should never have been a role model as she was so unhealthy. She was the opposite of what Hitler believed in actually.

So someone wanting to bring the Audrey look back is wrong.

Hopefully, it will go away.

I thought the hourglass was a large bust?

She is actually pear-shaped.

You can’t actually blame Hitler for Audrey Hepburn’s Anorexia

According to her first husband, Hepburn “was very careful about her diet, did not drink alcohol except an occasional glass of wine with dinner, and avoided desserts. She chose her diet as a dancer would: plenty of protein and lots of vegetables and salads.

She should have been putting weight on really. So it wasn’t Hitler’s fault she was underweight. To be honest she should of been building herself up. Seen a few people looking dangerously thin because of COVID-19 food. This is the opposite side of the BMI index, just want to give all these people a good feed. My mum would have sneaked butter into her meals, she used to do that to me, realise she was right about that. I wasn’t anorexic though so just made me laugh.

Think the fight back against this stupid underweight look has started (noticed something on the internet about it) – good.

It actually makes her hips look too big, she would look better in a baggy top to hide how ill and skinny she looks.

This is Hourglass – Diana Dors

This whole stupid argument is so annoying.

Costume design in films is so different from fashion in films and the high street.

Most people aren’t perfect which is why we don’t try to get famous. 

The high street clothes normal people.

Not Audrey Hepburn?


At the end of the day, Audrey Hepburn is and always will be a screen legend and fashion icon from the 40s, but they didn’t know about anorexia then. Famous actresses are role models in fashion. Now we know about anorexia we should choose role models normal women like me can relate to without them having to change their bodies to fit into the clothes and copy their looks.

If we are underweight or overweight we have learned to work it out by body mass as opposed to shape.

If you are underweight or overweight it is a good idea to address the concern, doctors are paid to help with this.

If you want a smaller waist you can do target toning, but if you are like me your genetics might prevent you from getting a really small one, the BMI index is a guide for when you should stop slimming, and then just accept who you are.

If you have a slim waist naturally, maybe you should just be grateful and not slim down to a dangerous size.

I didn’t really want to write this blog, but then again if things don’t change I can’t actually buy clothes for my fashion blog as my body type is classed as overweight as I don’t have a small waist.

I’m actually a healthy weight on the BMI index, just don’t suit pear-shaped clothes. My hips never put weight on so I couldn’t be pear-shaped even if I wanted to be.

Wrote about the BMI index on my slimming calendar last year to prove to women like me out there that they weren’t overweight, they were just wearing clothes that weren’t for their body shape.

Then I changed the slimming calendar to the fitness calendar as I’m not an expert, and then I hurt myself exercising so deleted the slimming calendar.

In my humble opinion, we need certified fitness gurus to come back to show us all this properly, instead of ballerinas with small waists making us feel rubbish about ourselves and guiding us towards anorexia.

I once helped someone to lose a lot of beer weight and they went the other way and went dangerously thin.

Then I learned about ayurvedic body types and got him back to a healthy weight with foods like chile and cajun chicken and rice.

Converted a Dors Diet Chile recipe to Quorn mince last year and found it saved enough calories to have nachos or rice with it instead of a crisp bread.

Enjoyed the Excel diet as it is food you actually want to eat, think this is why it works.

I have to avoid rice and chile, but found a way to adapt my food.

Hopefully, the human race will get it back and we will all be okay again.

Hope I haven’t offended or upset anyone, would rather just do film fashion. I support the fact that Audrey Hepburn is an important fashion icon, but if you were to do it now it would have to be re-imagined for a more healthy body type. 

She is still the role model for pear-shaped women, but you can’t expect them to get as ill as Audrey obviously was, we know better now!!!

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