thelastbohemianspod/christmas day/ film fashion/eye of the devil

If you have lost your style like the lady in a corner or like me and feel like you are not old enough to have lost it yet, check out this Instagram.


Click the link above if you are a woman of any age looking for inspiration in the drab world of 2023.

Heard some of these women talk before; In a man’s world, women are dumped in an over-the-hill bag at about 30.

Really frightening when you look around during post covid, Not sure, but I think the cut-off point these days must be under 12, with the tights I have been struggling with, even 14 year olds can’t get clothes that fit these days.

((Still can’t work out if whoever behind it wanted us to buy it or did it on purpose knowing we wouldn’t buy it?

At least know one is buying it so we are all in the same miserable boat and not on our own with it).

These women prove them wrong.

Italian men actually prefer older women.

These women are called the last of the bohemians.

You might relate to them and be a bohemian yourself.

Have to say I relate to them. 

I don’t go quite as mad as them with fashion, my mum brought me up like that. But I take strength from what they are saying and I’m not going to be a frump just cause some bloke who prefers teenage girls dictates anyone over 20 is past it.

Have a browse and see if you recognize any of them.

If they can get away with being bohemian and couldn’t care less, you might just manage some platform shoes or some glittery clothes out of your wardrobe and miss piggy wedges.

If you are a young bohemian and love what these women are saying, and want to glam up but can’t get any clothes that fit, why not raid your mum’s wardrobe. Women have always done that, she is likely to have some clothes from when she was your age. They will probably fit you as well because she will be a similar build to you.

Get her to help you, she will love playing dress up with you!!!!


I found her on Last of the Bohemians, she really inspires me as I wish I was blonde and my favorite colour is pink.

Since I found her, she inspired me to wear makeup again. 

If she can go out dressed like this and not care what her critics think, you can at least find the strength to put some lipstick and glitter on for Christmas!!!

If your not ready for Christmas due to post covid weirdness, aim for new year, we couldn’t get a chicken, so we might try again at new year.

Got something from Argos for Christmas couldn’t believe it. If you order it on Boxing day, they tell you when to collect it. I got a foot spa, finally, they do makeup – trying for that next. Just send someone to collect it for you or drive down yourself or go on bus etc., (I have to stay in while it is weird, so I get my orders collected, really want to go shopping again though, like it used to be).

The link to Argos is in this blog.

Will do the makeup blog on boxing day, enjoy!!!!

Just found this trailer

Browse last of the bohemians and see what they can do for you.

You can be barbie girl whatever height or age

64 years old

Today, the doll itself is 64 years old; in 2023, Barbie would technically be 83 years old if she aged. However, toy company Mattel has said that she’s perpetually frozen in time at the age of 19. Despite her ageless appearance, Barbie holds a wide array of adult careers.

(lets hope proper botox comes back soon as well!!!)

The real barbie girl can even be brunette

remember getting into a bitch fest about this once.

This woman said barbie was tall and started picking on this small blonde woman, technically barbie was small, as originally she was a porn toy.

If you blow these toys up to full size Pippa is actually taller than barbie, this was back in my sarcastic days, because dolls are for children and this bitch was upsetting everyone.

When I photoshopped the clothes on me, barbies fitted me and I’m 5ft 4, but pippas was too big.

I’m going barbie mad if fashion that fits comes back, and just ignoring bitchy women. Join my journey whatever height age or sex you are and ignore people who judge you or play one upmanship games.

Going to go mad with all the film looks as well!!!

Christmas Day film

What led me to the last of the bohemians was Maxine Saunders. The Eye of the Devil film will air on Pinterest tv on Christmas Day, or click the link. Really excited to have found this film again. Enjoy your Christmas meal, and wine (we opt for red that goes with chicken or mateus), before the parties.

This is a really interesting website if you are interested in Alexandrian Witchcraft, click the link above to join.

The link above leads to their Instagram site, click the link above and press follow,

The trailer for the Christmas Day film

Eye of the devil

the film

Film synopsis

An occult thriller starring Kerr and Niven as the wealthy owners of a French vineyard who become obsessed with their family’s traditions of pagan sacrifice.


Where to purchase

Film fashion

Will finish this blog when I have watched the film. If you are blonde, hope the Sharon Tate look comes back for you soon, I’ll do brunette Sharon Tate look.

Will do the makeup anyway, would be fun to get a wig.

Hope you enjoy your Christmas day, even though it is so miserable and beak out there. Quite enjoyed Christmas eve, had french bread pizza and a few drinks.

Watched Johnny Cash and Engelburt Humperdink.

Really good.

We are just getting sucked into the spirit of Christmas and blocking out the news and shoddy sales best I can. Really hard, but better than crying!!!


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